Friday, October 3, 2008

Hair care questions, hair care treatments, split ends hair treatment

How can you take care of split ends in the hair?
Split ends are more prominent in long hair because such hair is not trimmed frequently. If you cut your hair every 4 to 6 weeks, you will have lesser split ends. Hair tends to split when it is spoiled. So preferably, you should maintain your hair in good health to stop split ends. Maintain the quality of hair by using the right products and eat well balanced diet. Harsh chemical or heat formed from parlor processes like perming, blowdrying, coloring can cause hair damage. Nutritional deficiency, over exposure to the sun, chemicals in the water you take bath with, and medication can affect hair.
If you have treated hair, it is necessary to take care of it by using suitable products. For instance, after coloring your hair, use products that are customized for colored hair. Also, go for spa treatments and protein treatments for hair health.
Should you comb your hair when it is wet?
You should not comb hair when it is wet, because it is three times weaker at that time. You will only end up breaking and ruining hair strands. Combing wet hair also leads to loss of elasticity and bounce. Let hair dry naturally. Then, comb it with a wide tooth comb or a brush to reduce hair breakage.
Are 2 in 1 shampoos really good? Shampoos are basically cleansers. They remove grime and dirt. They clean the scalp and wash off product residues, like color and oil. On the other hand, conditioners go into the cuticle layers. They cover up the cuticle with a protective shield. It is preferable to go for a mild shampoo that cleans the scalp and hair without stripping it of natural oils, and use a separate conditioner later.
Can hair texture change permanently after a procedure?
Your hair remains the same because it is the genes which underlines the color, strength and texture of your hair. The only time, when the hair texture changes is during puberty. Understand that hair procedures and hair treatments are only done to the strand of the hair and not on the root of the hair. Which is why, there is no permanent change to the hair. Though the present hair may not have the change, the new hair which grows will. A color . A colour treatment done 10 years ago, or a year ago cannot affect it permanently.
Question: Is oiling your hair really important?
It is a myth which states that oiling your hair will make it grow long and lustrous. Usually hair oils in the market are paraffin based. Real, authentic, coconut oil is expensive. It is the massage that you apply on the scalp that makes the difference. It increases blood circulation in the scalp. This way, more nutrients are passed on to the hair cells. So it is important to massage the head regularly. Leaving oil on hair for hours can in fact, attract dirt, because it blocks the sebaceous glands.
Can expensive hair care products promise better hair health?
It is not a question about using expensive hair care products. Healthy strong hair has everything to do with what you eat. If you eat a healthy diet that has all nutrients, then your hair will be taken care of . Include biotin which is used in egg yolk, liver, milk and vegetables; and zinc which you get from nuts, beans and whole grains. Include calcium and proteins in your diet. Drink fat-free milk and eat lots of curd. As far as expensive is concerned; go for tried and tested well known hair care brands as a safe option. But eating a balanced diet is quite important if you want healthy hair.

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